Plusminus x 4th Wall: a new project space by Diez Office

Diez Office, the studio of designer Stefan Diez, hosted an event in their temporary Munich space to debut a program of interdisciplinary projects, starting with Diez’s new Plusminus collection for Vibia.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

A former store in Munich’s Presying Palais serves as the site of the experimental series entitled 4th Wall, a reference to the imaginary barrier between actors and their audience.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

The inaugural Plusminus installation was attended by members local media and design professionals.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

Merging light and materiality, Plusminus features a revolutionary fabric belt design that accommodates multiple luminaires and conducts electricity, enabling light to flow through space.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

The collection provides a powerful toolkit for creating personalised effects, placing light precisely where needed and creating visual hierarchies in an interior.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

The event featured four different Plusminus compositions installed throughout the raw space. From taut floor-to-ceiling arrangements to relaxed silhouettes that span a room, they reveal the collection’s remarkable versatility.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

As the attendant explored the installations and mingled over cocktails and appetizers, Diez spoke about Plusminus and its whole collaborative process. He was followed by Vibia CEO Pere Llonch, Robert Thiemann, editor-in-chief of Frame Magazine, and, finally Philipp Nitsche, Managing Director of Cocon Real Estate.

Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus x 4th Wall. Project space by Diez Office

The Plusminus exhibition will remain temporarily at the location.

– Photography: Mathias Schmitt
– Video: Holger Thalmann
– Lighting design: Matthias Singer

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