Capturing the sky

Openings for natural light within buildings represent an architectural strategy common to all cultures and historical periods.

 Illuminance (Rinko Kawauchi, 2010) / PLUS ceiling light (design by X. Claramunt & M de Mas)

Illuminance (Rinko Kawauchi, 2010) / PLUS ceiling light (design by X. Claramunt & M de Mas)


Apertures integrated within man’s built environment that constitute a window onto the natural world, connecting and revealing, a universal device for humanising our buildings.


kymirror (Anish Kapoor, 2001) / BIG ceiling light (design by Lievore Altherr Molina)

Skymirror (Anish Kapoor, 2001) / BIG ceiling light (design by Lievore Altherr Molina)


The SKYLIGHTS collection by Vibia reproduces this very effect and sensation, capturing the sky and bringing it indoors, a recreation of the reassuring and evocative feel of natural day light which it synthesises.


Construction in White and Black (Joaquín Torres-García, 1938) / LINK XXL ceiling light (design by Ramón Esteve)

Construction in White and Black (Joaquín Torres-García, 1938) / LINK XXL ceiling light (design by Ramón Esteve)

Espinho, Portugal / UP ceiling light (design by Ramos & Bassols)

Pantheon (Marcus Agrippa, 2/ BC - 14 AD) / BIG ceiling light (design by Lievore Altherr Molina)

Pantheon (Marcus Agrippa, 2/ BC – 14 AD) / BIG ceiling light (design by Lievore Altherr Molina)

Tableau1: Lozenge with Four Lines and Gray (Mondrian, 1926) / UP ceiling light (design by Ramos and Bassols)

Tableau1: Lozenge with Four Lines and Gray (Mondrian, 1926) / UP ceiling light (design by Ramos & Bassols)

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