“Design is an uncontrolled muscle” according to Arik Levy

Designer, technician, artist, photographer, filmmaker, Levy’s skills are multidisciplinary and his work is exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums around the world. Best known for his innovation and design thinking for global companies as well as for limited editions design projects. Levy feels that “the world is about people, not tables and chairs.”

Originally from Israel, he moved to Europe in 1988, and Levy lives and works in Paris since 1922 with his team of 12 designers and graphic artists at Arik Levy studio. During several years of collaboration with Vibia he has designed the collections Curtain, Fold, North, Rhythm, Sparks and Wireflow.




You are “a Tel Aviv born designer living in Paris”… How have these two cities influenced your way of being and of working?

Cities are of great influence on ones daily doing….it is cultural identity that influence more ones being and social codes. Tel Aviv is about survival and therefor one has to be being inventive to survive and be reborn at any moment. Rawness and upfront ideas side by side to the beauty of simplicity creates a juxtaposition of industrial poetry.


What is a physical object that you always bring with you and cannot do without?



Your favorite corner of the house?

I do not like corners…. I also do not see the house this way…. for me the house is a place of many gates that open in different moments…these gates are to Love, family, spiritual experiences and more.


We know surf is one of your main passions. What is a place that a true surf-lover should not miss?

It is not about surf-loving but about being a surfer….what we do not want to miss is a good morning smooth swell where ever it is.


Something that scares you?

Stupidity and ignorance


What do you do when you want to treat yourself?

I work and surf


A travel destination in your wish list?

My wife’s heart


-Your favorite piece of clothing?



Your most vivid and touching memory?



The most iconic piece of design?

The wheel

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