Desk & Table Lamps: Form Meets Function

Small in proportion but substantial in impact, table lamps are practical taskmasters that also serve as stylish accessories. Our selection of fixtures offers cutting-edge functionality coupled with contemporary style to fit a range of environments from homes and hotels to office settings.



Vibia’s Swing Table lamp by Lievore, Altherr, Molina is distinguished by its crisp architectural design and a distinctive double-jointed arm that offers 180 degrees of motion.




Available in two versions, one features a screen shade while the other has a rotating metal diffuser that tilts up to 45 degrees.

The LED-powered lamp casts an even, ambient glow, making it ideal for desks, occasional tables or nightstands. It comes in white, chrome and charcoal lacquer finishes.





Inspired by the smooth arc of the Bézier curve, Flex by Ramos & Bassols exemplifies the modernist principle of “form follows function.” The lean LED lamp is distilled to its essence, featuring an articulated, fully adjustable arm. Flex’s sleek silhouette seamlessly integrates a touch optical sensor within its rotating head for a range of brightness levels—perfect for tasks requiring precision lighting.




It is available with a base or desk-mounted and offered in white lacquer or matte graphite finishes.



Designed by Ichiro Iwasaki, Pin is a playful take on the traditional reading light. Minimal and pure, its slender stem is punctuated by a diminutive, adjustable dome shade and grounded by a bold circular base that serves as a counterweight.



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Available in two arm lengths, the LED fixture is versatile enough for commercial or residential spaces and comes in matte white, cream, black and green finishes.