Mayfair Mini. Playing With Colours

Designed by Diego Fortunato, Mayfair Mini is a little lamp with a lot of personality. Bringing a contemporary twist to the classic 19th-century bouillotte table lamp, it comes in a range of four Chromatica colours: warm white, beige, terracotta and green. The vibrancy of these glossy finishes offers an informal juxtaposition with the fixture’s elegant form, as well as the versatility to suit a wide range of styles.

Colours provide important visual and cognitive stimulation for the developing human brain. The first primary colour we see is red, which happens just a few weeks after being born.

Vibia The Edit - Mayfair Mini. Playing With Colours

As we grow, different colours affect our mood, our emotions and how we respond to the things around us. In time, we start to connect them with specific memories and experiences. The study of colour and its impact on how we think, feel and behave falls into an area of study called colour psychology.

Vibia The Edit - Mayfair Mini. Playing With Colours
Vibia The Edit - Mayfair Mini. Playing With Colours

Architect: Estudio Marcos Catalán – Photography: Eugeni Pons – © RBA

“We sometimes think of colours as objective properties of objects, much like shape or volume. But research has found that we experience colours differently, depending on gender, national origin, ethnicity, geographical location, and what language we speak. In other words, there is nothing objective about colours.”

Source: Psychology Today.

Each of us sees colours differently depending on the structure of the human retina. As a reflection of light, colours are never flat or still, rather they evolve throughout the day.

Vibia The Edit - Introducing the Mayfair Mini

Texture, saturation and brightness can influence our response to a particular hue, and two colours that look similar can suddenly seem totally different in a new environment.