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Les coups de cœur de Vibia

Les vacances d’été approchent et il est temps de commencer à réfléchir à la manière dont nous voulons passer ces précieuses semaines. Chez Vibia, notre passion pour le design se retrouve dans les lieux que nous choisissons d’explorer. Que vous préfériez vous détendre avec vos amis et votre famille près de chez vous ou vous lancer dans des aventures exotiques pour découvrir des contrées lointaines, nous croyons que chaque destination doit être une source d’inspiration et chaque expérience une source de bien-être. Nous avons demandé aux membres de l’équipe de Vibia de révéler quelques-unes de leurs destinations de voyage préférées afin de vous inspirer pour bien vivre cet été. Pour découvrir leurs coups de cœur, lisez la suite.

Bárbara Ventosa
Commercial Director

Bárbara recommande le Sri Lanka comme destination de voyage à privilégier cette année.

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« Chaque année, j’essaie de faire un voyage avec ma fille pour qu’elle puisse découvrir des lieux différents empreints de cultures différentes. Je trouve que c’est important de la familiariser avec un monde qui devient de plus en plus global et, en même temps, plus proche. »

Avec sa fille, elle a visité un parc naturel qui abrite une faune spectaculaire : des éléphants, des singes, des serpents, des léopards et des oiseaux au plumage de couleurs vives. Elles ont adoré faire connaissance avec les gens, découvrir la nourriture, les fruits « étranges », les plages, les vagues, les promenades en Tuk-tuk, le yoga, la méditation et, surtout, passer du temps de qualité ensemble au milieu de la nature.

Laura Grau
Showroom and Training Manager

Laura recommande de visiter l’île de Naoshima dans la mer intérieure de Seto, au Japon. Bien que le site soit difficile d’accès, elle fait valoir que l’effort pour s’y rendre – deux trains depuis Kyoto et un ferry – en vaut largement la chandelle.

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“It was a wedding present. A Japanese friend and architect gave us the gift of staying on the island in the Benesse House Museum, a museum that offers the possibility of staying in exclusive rooms surrounded by contemporary art.”

There are no cars on the island so Naoshima offers the chance to just stroll around, enjoying spectacular art surrounded by nature. Laura also recommends visiting the Chichu Art Museum designed by Tadao Ando. A concrete structure buried in the mountain, using only natural light to illuminate Monet’s Water Lilies.

“I remember walking into that room and crying with emotion. I sat on the floor looking at the water lilies for over an hour… it is a magical place.”

Rick Johann
VP of Sales, Vibia USA

Rick proposes a Nordic experience with a trip to Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland. On his itinerary is a deep dive into the beautiful city of Copenhagen, from which you can do a day tour of Aarhaus, a quaint village full of interesting art and architecture, Malmo, Sweden, or Mons Klint for breathtaking views of the sea.

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“The local people and restaurants in each town and city my husband and I visited were warm and welcoming and the cuisine was delicious.”

Flying onward to Reyjavik, Iceland, Rick recommends day tours to Snaefellsnes, Buoarkirkja, Saxholl, and the South Coast, with a hike to the Solheimajokull Glacier for some beautiful mountains and waterfalls.

Blanca Gimeno
Sales Director

Blanca recommends a trip to Indonesia. The orderly chaos of its streets, its temples and its waters flooded with corals and life make this country her number one destination to disconnect from the world.

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“Personally, Indonesia is one of my favourite countries in the world, for its diversity, its spirituality and the overwhelming nature that surrounds it all.”

For those seeking cultural inspiration, Blanca recommends New York, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world, and a place where all the great architects have left their mark. Walking its famous streets, visitors will encounter everything from neo-gothic to Art Deco, modernism to postmodernism.

“Despite having lived there for more than 8 years, it is a city that never ceases to surprise me as it constantly reinvents itself. Every season of the year paints the city in a different colour palette.”

Jordi Esteso
Industrial Supply Chain Manager

For Jordi, the Greek island of Milos, one of the most beautiful and unknown of the Cycladic islands, is a top destination. The island’s capital is Adamas but Pollonia is also worth a visit for its traditional Greek restaurants, Klima for its jetty of colourful houses, and Plaka for its spectacular sunsets.

Vibia The Edit - Jordi Esteso

“There are many beaches but I would recommend Firiplaka for its crystal clear waters and white rocks, Sarakiniko and Kleftiko, sculpted by the wind.”

Arisa Sato
Marketing & Digital Platform Manager, Vibia USA

Arisa recommends the Finger Lakes region in upstate New York. Only a 5-hour drive from New York City, visitors are greeted by stunning lakes on arrival.

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“My favourite is Seneca Lake, where you can visit Watkins Glen State Park, known for its beautiful waterfalls and gorge trail.”

The Finger Lakes are gaining recognition for their burgeoning wine industry, producing world-class Riesling and other wines from cold-climate grapes. In addition to the wine itself, the tasting rooms are a treat due to their beautiful architecture. At the Hillick & Hobbs Estate, where renowned winemaker Paul Hobbs crafts exquisite Rieslings, the tasting room overlooks the lake with a beautiful modern interior to enhance the experience.

Manaure Stoop
Digital Director

For Manaure, Thailand’s Ko Chang, offers a particularly memorable experience.

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“I recommend Ko Chang not because I know Southeast Asia very well, but because I did my honeymoon there and I loved it. What I liked the most was the tropical landscape, which reminded me a lot of Venezuela, in contrast with the Buddhist buildings that predominate in the whole island.”

It is one of the quieter Thai islands situated close to the Cambodian border, ideal if you’re looking for « virgin » landscapes and a bit of peace and quiet. It is a big enough island to spend a few days riding a motorbike (which can be rented on the island), stopping at beaches, eating well and enjoying the sea against a backdrop of dense tropical jungle.

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