Play with… Rhythm

Rhythm is a lighting collection that connects designers with their inner child. Recreating the excitement of playing with a modular toy that so happens to be a practical tool for adding a creative flourish to public, corporate and residential spaces.

Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Structural

Light has never been this malleable before, not only with regards to the lighting effects but the actual installation. Just like with music and percussion Rhythm calibrates space through light and material.

Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Structural

Designer Arik Levy brings a finesse and crafted elegance to the integral components of this led lighting system. Rhythm literally provides unlimited applications. Broadly speaking Rhythm is divided into horizontal and vertical versions, in reality however the angles and inclinations can be played with. Together with the two lengths of light sticks available and the two finishes, lacquered white and dark brown, the lighting designer’s imagination can soar.

Vibia The Edit - Play with Rhythm
Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Top

A subtle zig-zag vertical alignment emphasises the double height space and void over the living area. The gentle tilt of each stick, like a ladder directs the eye upwards, and draws attention to the architecture of the space.

Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Top
Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Top

Movement is captured in an endless lighting spiral that works off the principle of evenly displaced horizontal light sticks rising through space. The combination of sobriety and flourish is just the right mix of practical and quirky.

Vibia The Edit - Iconic Ceiling Lights - Top

Whether it be the day or night the sculptural possibilities of Rhythm blur the line between art and design. The twisted light sticks capture movement and ordered chaos by throwing light over the space below as well as the pristine metal profiles that house the led light.

Vibia The Edit - Mayfair Mini. Lighting for precise accentuation
Vibia The Edit - Plusminus solves the puzzle of two spaces

The criss-cross installation over the table emphasises the shared nature of sitting down together. The cables almost disappear and all that is left is a floating series of X’s inhabiting the void over the table’s surface.

Vibia The Edit - Sticks, singularidad arquitectónica en Andorra

A wave of light captured in the space washes over the table. A frozen movement of profiles angled separately; gently rotating around a central axis, calming the ambience in the room. The smooth transition and suggested curves flow through the ceiling void directly over the table.

Vibia The Edit - Maison Lumière, an intimacy oasis in Barcelona
Vibia The Edit - Six reading lights for a long hot summer

What better metaphor for light than random angles, irregularly inclined, captured within a series of light sticks in varied positions. But nevertheless anchored by a straight axis, one which sits in space and keeps the light pinned over the table below.

Vibia The Edit - Wireflow Statement Lighting

A sinuous configuration of light sticks around two axes, both aligned around the centre, one holding the middle of each stick along its horizontal axis. The other establishing a mirrored symmetry, perpendicular to the first axis, a visual inversion that reflects one side of the curved installation over the other.

Vibia The Edit - Wireflow: Compositional Freedom

Featured Products:
Rhythm Horizontal
Rhythm Vertical

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