Rethinking spatial dynamics with Vibia lighting

A project by Catalan interior design firm, A&P Interiorisme, Casa en Sabadell is an exemplary representation of Vibia’s new approach to lighting design. The premise of the renovation was to invert a duplex into a luminous open plan flat, transforming the kitchen, dining room and living room into a single space connected to the terrace. The project incorporates Meridiano wall and Top ceiling lights, as well as Plusminus, a hybrid system designed by Diez Office that acts as both striking aesthetic feature and cutting-edge creative toolkit.

Located directly under the roof of the building, the duplex has a wrought iron ceiling. Pluminus offered the ideal lighting solution. With its simple plug-in technology and distinctive fabric belt, the system allowed A&P Interiorisme to link various luminaires in multiple rooms from a single point of connection.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics
Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

Tracing a line across the centre of the kitchen ceiling, the belt distinguishes between the cooking zone, with a sleek linear diffuser, and the dining area, which incorporates an elegant conical pendant, before dropping vertically down over a countertop with a single spherical luminaire. The tautness of the belt’s transverse trajectory across the kitchen is softened by the way it gently drapes into the corner of the room, ending neatly in a loose curl.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics
Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

In addition to its composition, Plusminus identifies activity zones by introducing a range of different lighting effects. Suspended over the dining table the pendant creates a sense of community with its enveloping warmth. By contrast, the intense radiance of the linear diffuser clearly indicates a “workstation” for cooking. The diffuse glow of the sphere creates an intimate ambiance that complements the broad downlight of the conical pendant.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

Moving into the living room, another Pluminus system was used to separate the staircase and illuminate the library, creating a decorative and functional geometric play. Stretching from ceiling to floor in a wide cross, the fabric belt creates a false wall, reducing the volume of the space while bringing light closer to the desired area of activity.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics
Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

Spotlights are positioned strategically to highlight specific features, such as the potted plants and books that decorate the shelves, or to provide focused illumination, such as a reading light at the corner of the sofa. The system’s linear architecture adapts to the fresh interior style, while its criss-crossed configuration creates an intriguing visual language.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

At the entrance, A&P Interiorisme introduces a Top ceiling light, a contemporary re-imagining of the timeless ceiling rose. Designed by Ramos & Bassols for Vibia, a pair of simple concentric circles cast a uniform glow that enhances the texture and tone of the solid oak staircase.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics - Top

The central diffuser creates a focal point of LED-powered light, which is reflected by the larger disc to generate a halo of indirect illumination. Confined within the diameter of the outer ring, Top’s gentle luminescence forms a stark contrast with the heavy wooden flooring and rich green of the adjacent wallpaper.

Lighting up a second hallway, the Meridiano wall light gives depth to the bottom of the staircase and takes advantage of the glass-clad passageway to the laundry room. Designed for Vibia by Jordi Vilardell & Meritxell Vidal, its magical luminous effect brings a whole new dynamic to the project, functioning as both ambient lighting and compelling sculpture.

Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics
Vibia The Edit - Rethinking spatial dynamics

Like a solar eclipse, a diffuse glow radiates out from an invisible spherical structure made of corrugated steel rods. Visible from the main living area, it forms a decadent star motif, casting a beautiful pattern of spokes across the wall.

– Interior design: AP Interiorisme
– Photography: Enric Badrinas
– Lighting: Vié Llums

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